
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: Year in Review

 Goodness, is the year over already? Seems like it was September only yesterday—and September felt like July was only a recent memory. Strange how time flies like that...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Change of Address

 The new URL for the blog formerly known as the Diary of an Atomic Man and parked at that address for most of its existence is Please adjust your browsers and bookmarks accordingly. Thank you. [1]

[1] Of course, it's not as though anyone would notice the change--Blogger doesn't redirect from defunct URLs...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Throw it at the Wall and See What Sticks Edition

Thirteen years ago, three airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. I would call this an act of senseless violence except that there was sense to it--in a Shakespearean sense of the word [1]. Senseless or no, it was a horrible tragedy and I assume that all of you have given the event some thought.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Why I Won't Talk about Ferguson

So, some bad stuff is happening in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael Brown, an eighteen-year-old black man, was shot six times and killed by police officers. This made a great number of people justifiably angry, and a protest movement of considerable size and volume has ensued. The police and state government have cracked down; last I heard before writing this, the governor had called in the National Guard. It's a big, controversial topic, but you'll have to turn elsewhere for coverage. Chasing the Rabbit will not discuss this.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I Ate'nt Dead fact, I have two posts in the works, one of which should be up later this weekend and the other of which I want to put up on the Fourth of July. I think I'm done with the tweaks to the blog, though I think it needs a logo of some sort and I want to change the URL (though chasingtherabbit dot blogspot dot com seems to be taken--lagomorphpursuit, perhaps?).

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We Interrupt Regular Programming for a Special Announcement

Sometime last night or this morning, I passed 2000 views. As of this writing, the counter is at 2012. Thanks a lot, all, and here's to the next 2000 readers.

We now return to our scheduled programming, already in progress.
--Alex Adrian, 4/8/'14

Friday, April 4, 2014

Review: Disney's Frozen

****1/2 Another worthy entry to the Disney Animated Canon. A well-made blend of action, humour, pathos, and the old Disney Magic. The songs are good, too.

After last week, I figured that we needed a breather, and what better breather than the latest Disney movie? I recently watched Frozen with my family and–oh, boy. I mean–wow. I'm not ready to declare the 2010s a new Disney Renaissance or anything crazy, but gee, that was good. The animation, the acting, the characters, the songs–Frozen is my new favourite Disney movie[1].

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Fred Phelps, 1930-2014

A titan of hatred has fallen. Fred Phelps, founder-leader of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church and homophobe par excellence, is dead. I don't know where to go with that. Fred Phelps, dead. Fred Phelps, dead. How do I take that? Do I mourn or rejoice? Should the LGBT community picket his funeral as a last "fuck you" to a man who made so many's lives Hell, or give the Phelps family and Westboro some respite, time to grieve and mourn?
[Fair Warning: When discussing Westboro, homophobia comes up, as do anti-Americanism and simple bigotry. If these offend you or are triggering, move along. The rest of you, click away…]